Boho sweaters are a fashion must-have in every woman's fall and winter wardrobe, not only for their warmth and comfort but also for their multi-purpose appeal as a fashion accessory. The range of colors, styles and materials used to fashion these stylish and practical boho sweaters makes it very in demand especially if we are talking about cardigan boho sweaters. Long cardigan sweaters are one of the few style accessories that can dress you up or down with ease, graduating from a casual day look to an upscale evening event. This article will give you tips on how you can strut your sweaters, no matter what season it is.

How to Choose Long Cardigan Boho Sweaters

Long cardigan sweaters come in many styles, and it is important to know about each style to pick the style that is right for you. it can be short or long-sleeved, fitted or loose, shawl- or sweater-style. It can be intricate in its design, featuring cut-outs, lace, stitching, or other ornamentation, or it can be a simple, single piece of wool fabric in classic lines. Long cardigan sweaters may button down the front, tie at the waist, hang open, or drape around one or both shoulders. A long cardigan sweater may have ruching or ruffles down the sides or come bare of ornamentation. Different styles of long cardigan sweaters may look better for different occasions so it can be helpful to have two or three to choose from that can mix and match well with different elements in your wardrobe.

How to Wear Long Cardigan Boho Sweaters

Wearing a long cardigan sweater is all about layering. Whether your sweater comes with buttons or a tie sash, is more fitted or flowing, and is meant to be worn as a short sleeved, vest, or long sleeved sweater, can play in to how you pair it with other items in your wardrobe. You can belt it, tie it with a ribbon or sash, leave it long and open, layer it over a sexy silk strappy top for an upscale look or a casual t-shirt for the "boyfriend" look with a pair of your favorite jeans. How you wear your long cardigan sweater depends in equal parts on the occasion and your own personal sense of style.

Where to Buy Long Cardigan Boho Sweaters

Luckily, there are as many great places to shop both online and offline for a long cardigan sweater as there are great ways to wear it. For a wide variety of styles to browse through, try Johnny Was. You can find great products and deals on Johnny Was. You can also find boho sweaters at Macy;s, Neiman-Marcus, Nordstrom's, Saks Fifth Avenue, and other upscale retail department stores but Johnny Was is the best place to be.

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